Back pain right at the bottom of the

Everyone has sometimes a bad back. In most cases, this symptom is not a serious concern. But if back pain is felt on the right regularly, is to listen to the signals of your body, try to analyze the causes, symptoms and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

back pain

The reasons can be a pain on the right side of the back?

One of the most common reasons that appears aching back pain on the right side is poor posture or long-term stay in the body physiologically disadvantageous position. Regular be in the wrong position leads to a compensatory spinal deformity and wrong distribution of the load on the muscles that support it. Lack of exercise, the work of the position "sitting", the wrong choice of bedding – all of this can break your posture.

Sometimes the pain is again caused due to displacement of the intervertebral discs. The cause of such illness can be a chronic disease of the musculoskeletal system or injury. If any deformation of the intervertebral discs suffer from is located near the nerves, the result is a feeling of discomfort.

A sore back may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestine. Often a symptom pointing to hormonal imbalance and violation of the diet. If pain in the back, drag right to appear regularly, you should think about the diet and consult a gastroenterologist.

If the pain radiates to the back, the cause may be kidney disease. Discomfort can also be felt in front, the abdomen and under the ribs. The most common reason for this phenomenon – the kidney stones or a violation of the outflow of urine. Sometimes regular the discomfort can be accompanied by disturbances of urination.

Back pain right side below, may be the result of obesity. Excess weight interferes with all body systems. In particular, excessive body weight is reported the extra load on the musculoskeletal system. The result – regular back pain, which usually disappear completely after the normalization of weight.

It can mean the kind of pain?

Diseases of the reproductive system in women — the main cause of back pain

In women, low back pain on the right may indicate a disease of the reproductive system. This symptom is typical of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, tumors and ovarian cysts. The greatest danger in this situation is the lack of clear symptoms – be removed from the clinical picture of "pushing" patients to pay attention to the appearance of this symptom, and attracts the attention of just pain ignore already not working. Women may think that nagging lower back pain on the right appears due to lifting heavy objects or other loads and not even think about its real cause.

Back pain on the right side of the top of the can signal about diseases of the respiratory organs. If the discomfort regularly, the probability of the presence of a chronic disease. Some experienced doctors can diagnose tumors in the lungs and bronchi a description of the patients pain. Often feel is not only back pain, but discomfort in the chest area. Sometimes this pain can radiate to the arm. When serious damage to internal organs can be felt both to the right and to the left.

If sharp back pain on the right side is not traumatic in nature, it can cause a variety of disturbances in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. If the problems appeared after the injury, or the back was damaged in recent times, a sharp pain is a direct consequence of this damage. In this case, you should contact a health facility and, where necessary, medical checks and research, which includes a full range of modern radiological methods of examination (computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).

pain during pregnancy

What other reasons can occur pain syndrome?

During pregnancy naturally pain back

Pain behind the right rear after intense exercise phenomenon is common and harmless. If you regularly feel discomfort, when the work associated with lifting weights or running tilts, you can try simple exercises to strengthen the back, learn to hold back on the right spine position. If the pain on the right side of the back is too strong, it makes sense to minimize physical activity and screening to identify chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Often pain in the back will appeal to women during pregnancy. Symptom is harmless in this case excluded the probability of the presence of chronic diseases of the spine and the kidney. During pregnancy is a significant weight gain in the short term, will change accordingly the load on the muscles of the back, which can lead to regular back pain, simply drag to the right. You can reduce the discomfort, it is recommended to give preference such as physical activity, such as walking and swimming, to acquire an orthopedic mattress, wearing a properly selected birth side and to avoid heavy physical work.

Why pain in the lower back on the right: treatment

Pain in the lumbar region — a fairly common phenomenon. Studies show that about 30% of Russia's adult population suffer from various uncomfortable emotions back. According to respondents, lower back pain, they are equally often the left and right side. Causes of pain behind the right was not only the spine but also problems with the functioning of the internal organs. In certain situations they are experiencing back pain on the right when driving. In some cases, the pain was aching, the other acute.

Most of the respondents admitted that when they felt a sharp and pulling pain in the lower back, they are in no hurry to go to the doctor. What is the reason? Many believed that the pain symptoms do not prevent them when driving. In addition, almost all respondents know that back pain is necessary to take urgent measures, and only 15% of them did accordingly.

Lower back pain is reason to consult a doctor

The complexity of the diagnosis

When I got back as soon as, you need to figure out the reasons for this state. They can be very different. Ailment is usually associated with concomitant changes in the body. Such changes include, for example:

  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • the difficulty and increased urination.

There may be other symptoms, which allows you to quickly diagnose the disease.

The causes of back pain are congenital and acquired diseases. Often lower back pain on the right can be one manifestation of the problems of the musculoskeletal system.

If a person has acute low back pain, it is manifested by pain. When the pain on the right side of the back, it might be osteomyelitis. Ankylosing spondylitis and sacroiliitis in the later stages more quickly diagnosed, because suffer from these ailments, back pain on the right. Causes of pain in right side lower back will be able to witness and malignant processes.

Development of osteochondrosis lack of exercise

Disease, sciatica muscle and also to inform yourself, when you get a sore back on the right. When such pain accompanying symptoms manifested. In some cases, they are standard:

  • deterioration of the General health of the person;
  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • weakness.
the cause of the pain

Often, these unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the region of the sacrum. Acute pain characterizes trauma, inflammation of the sciatic muscle and stretching of the intervertebral ligaments, which is no less dangerous. Patients usually do not feel that neurological diseases provoke back pain on the right. The reasons may be different.

These diseases can be of different etiology. Right-sided inflammation is often the first time makes itself felt, when a person has pain behind the right. In this case, such as muscle problems, pain often radiates into the leg. Neuralgia is also characterized by a sore lower back on the right. Lower back pain on the right is a symptom of various diseases of the internal organs. If the flow of inflammatory processes in the intestine, right kidney, liver, gall bladder, right ovary immediately begin to ache back to the right.

Lower back pain right side can be a symptom of various diseases of internal organs

The disease, often manifested by pain in the back

The first question that the doctor of the patient characteristics of symptom. Faster and more accurate diagnosis of the disease medical professionals need to know exactly how it broke on the right, what are the symptoms and the condition was preceded by this phenomenon. Nagging back pain can be of varying degrees of intensity. You need to know that if a mild ache in the back, this is not it, that the disease is not dangerous. Just aching pain is associated with the development of life-threatening inflammation of internal organs and the emergence of malignant tumors.

If there is a dull aching pain in the lower back on the right side, there is a high probability that the degenerative disc disease. Uncomfortable feeling back to the right, when this disease occurs, due to impaired function of the spine, spastic state of the muscles and ligaments. Someone who suffers from lower back pain, can hurt first thing in the morning.

Acute and obtuse, arising from back pain is a sign of acute sciatica. This symptom is usually intense and is associated with back pain in other parts of the body. The phenomenon of the border can be an independent disease. Low back pain has the right to be of different intensity. If lumbago back pain above the waist, then it is most likely a consequence of the fact that the man lifted something heavy.

Improper weight lifting load on the spine discs increases 9 times

Lifting heavy objects is strictly forbidden to posture, when a person position from the angle of trying to straighten. Then the spine is increased load, increases the risk of injury. Lift weights, you need to squat position with your back straight, slowly straighten the knees. Then you can avoid back pain.

If you are drawn to the area just above the kidneys may confirm the assumption, that the patient begins to myositis — inflammation of muscles. The disease is Usually associated with deterioration of health. Symptoms the pain can be so powerful, what can be said about the dangers of the disease, fraught with various complications.

If it is muscle inflammation, the muscles period pain is more difficult than usual. If the lower back is observed at the beginning of a nagging pain, and then they went to the scenes, is almost a 100% probability that these are the symptoms of a hernia. In addition to this phenomenon, the stage of the disease can posture and limited mobility. Pain above and below the waist included, in some cases, the concrete in the legs. Patients often complain of numbness in the extremities.

The causes of back pain in women: the pathology of internal organs and pregnancy

Women are the discomfort is right above the lower back often cause malignant and benign tumors. In such cases there is often pain and below the waist on the right. The symptoms often spread to the left part of the back — it all depends on where exactly is the body where there is tumor. Stabbing pain below the waist on the right indicate pyelonephritis or disease of the bladder. It is associated with spasms when urinating.

Stabbing pain below the waist pyelonephritis and diseases of the ureter is often the surrounding characters. If the stone is in the ureter, it usually moves down. It is not excluded the possibility that it becomes irradiated and above the waist to the right, which is much more difficult to diagnose.

If this symptom people, watching the darkening of the urine, he should immediately contact the hospital, because he can for a few hours I would require immediate hospitalization. Pyelonephritis and problems with the functioning of the ureter is often associated with a sudden increase in body temperature. Get yourself any pain meds during the deterioration of health can not, because they worsen the attack and will negatively affect the kidneys.

Discomfort in the back — a frequent companion of pregnancy. The best option is, if a woman before pregnancy to prepare for questions that may arise during. During pregnancy the load on the spine increases significantly.

Pregnant women often complain of a variety of localization of the painful symptoms that felt right and to the left.

diagnosis and treatment

Pregnancy is often associated with radiating pain and discomfort in the abdomen. During pregnancy they are part of give thigh, worse when tired or after exercise. A woman expecting a child, is in a difficult situation. Any medication he can take only in extreme cases, when the external grinding, creams and hot compresses. In any case, it should treat the pain symptoms in his back and legs than the norm, and be sure to tell your doctor.